Friday, November 22, 2013

Tips for the Young Pitcher

 Always great to find expert advice out there on the 'net. This one comes courtesy of the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.  Pasting below a few of some key ones.

Little League and adolescent throwers are as susceptible to many of the same stresses on their arms as adult players. Often, injuries that develop at a young age may become more serious as the player becomes older. However, certain precautions can be taken to prevent or minimize injuries.
The following are guidelines that parents and coaches should follow with this goal in mind:
(1) Limit the number of game pitches thrown. Excessive pitch counts have been linked to increased incidences of shoulder and elbow injuries. (Most leagues have developed guidelines for pitch counts). The USA Baseball Medical and Safety Advisory Committee has established the following pitch count guidelines:

9-10 years50 pitches75 pitches1000 pitches
11-12 years75 pitches100 pitches1000 pitches
13-14 years75 pitches125 pitches1000 pitches

(2) Prevent young pitchers from throwing curveballs or sliders in games until their elbow and shoulder growth plates have closed. Generally, growth at the elbow and shoulder is complete (with growth plate closure) between the ages of 14 to 16 years, but this varies from one individual to another and must be determined by taking an x-ray of the joint. These particular pitches have been associated with an increase in shoulder and elbow injuries. In addition, they require the stress and repetition of mastering new skills.

(3) Avoid pitching in multiple leagues during the same season. This makes it difficult to monitor the pitch count of a player. Playing another position may minimize the stresses on the throwing arm.

(4) Avoid throwing year-round, as the throwing arm needs time to recover. A minimum of three months of rest is required for recovery between seasons.

(5) Work with a coach to develop good throwing mechanics. Learning at an early age to utilize the core, larger muscles of the hips, trunk, and legs may not only enhance performance, but reduce the risk of injury to the shoulder and elbow. In addition, striding towards home plate and having a good, long follow through will also reduce the strain on the shoulder and elbow.

(6) Avoid trying to “overthrow” pitches. Throwing pitches too hard in order to gain pitch speed may predispose a pitcher to injury. In addition, it is mechanically inefficient and may decrease performance.

(7) Pitch only to the point of fatigue, not through it. This can decrease the risk of injury.

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